Evangelisation in today's digital world

The efforts of our seminarians and Camberwell community to connect to people through digital means has recently been acknowledged by an article in Adelaide’s Southern Cross newspaper. During the constant lockdowns in Melbourne, Br Joshua, Fr Christian and other members of the Camberwell communities have sought new ways of reaching out through digital media and technology. From livestreaming masses from the Seminary Chapel, to developing short prayer videos for social media and building online training courses; the Camberwell community has found a new way in which the Church can mission and ‘go out’ to the world to preach the Good News.
This recent venture has inspired Br Joshua for the topic of his Masters thesis as he finishes his seminary studies, focusing on the way we as Oblates understand mission within this new digital reality. It has been great to see more Oblates take up this challenge and find ways, through technology, to connect with their parishioners and reach out to the poor and abandoned of this world. With the social isolation that lockdowns bring, it is important, now more than ever, to find ways through technology that we can continue building community and the family of the Church that St Eugene envisioned.
You can read the full article from The Southern Cross here: https://thesoutherncross.org.au/people/vocations/2021/07/29/evangelisation-in-todays-digital-world/